Geopark as the open museum of the geological heritage in the process of increasing tourist atractiveness of the urbanized areas


Geoparks have its established position in the range of the promotion and development of the regions, including towns and cities, on European and global scales. The urbanized space belongs to one of the most transformed environments of the landscape, however, its present state and future directions of introducing changes are not always compatible with the rules of sustainable development. One of the most attractive directions of the development of towns and cities is the increase of its attractiveness through the development of geoparks in the sphere of widely understood tourist destinations. Such innovative form of shaping the urbanized landscape involves many functions of the development, i.e., recreation, education and, at the same time, it generates the exact economical products. ‘Kielce Geopark’ situated within the administrative boarders of Kielce demonstrates the area that has been recently changed into the economically active area and it constitutes one of the most interesting examples of the use of the geopark in order to develop the tourist and recreation functions, moreover, it is to improve the aesthetics of the local space and at the same time to implicate economical effects, which are in accordance with sustainable development of the urbanized space.


geopark, tourist attractiveness, urbanized space, landscape, innovation

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Cited by

Strzyż, M. (2020). Geopark as the open museum of the geological heritage in the process of increasing tourist atractiveness of the urbanized areas. Studia Miejskie, 16, 59–74.


Małgorzata Strzyż



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