Urban projects in post-industrial city and their influence on shaping urban space


An important problem of post-industrial cities, resulting from the economic changes, is their heritage in a form of often degraded and unused post-industrial areas. They are mostly situated in central districts. Thus, it is obvious that local authorities consider them as perspective and priority in spatial development. The revitalization processes that should revive the city, usually run two ways: through the modernization of existing buildings or the implementation of new, often large-scale projects. Neo-liberal city management typically produces profits their implementers, but also can disrupt spatial order, and – through progressive processes of gentrification – existing social structures.


post-industrial city, industrial areas, urban projects, large-scale projects, spatial order

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Cited by

Szmytkowska, M. (2020). Urban projects in post-industrial city and their influence on shaping urban space. Studia Miejskie, 22, 9–22. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/sm/article/view/2476


Magdalena Szmytkowska 



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