Urban renewal in Poland: yesterday, today, and perhaps tomorrow

Jerzy J. Parysek


One of the problems of Polish towns for years awaiting a sensible solution is large-scale urban renewal. This is an urgent problem, because the material texture of Polish towns has been undergoing steady degradation. On a broad understanding of this process, urban renewal is also the reconstruction of towns after war-induced damage, which means that Polish towns have a tradition of steps taken in this field, although the conception of revitalisation /urban renewal itself has only been used for some 20 years. This paper will discuss the notion of urban renewal, its basic aspects and problems, and the character of revitalisation processes conducted in Poland from the postwar rebuilding of towns until the present (in the new systemic conditions). It will also examine the hopes, fears and problems connected with the future of urban renewal, especially with reference to the economic situation of towns and the assumptions of the Revitalisation Act. Reflections will concern the Polish socio-economic reality, embracing also the new financial perspective of the European Union (until 2020).



Polish town, urban renewal, polish problems and prospects of renewal

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Cited by

Parysek, J. J. (2020). Urban renewal in Poland: yesterday, today, and perhaps tomorrow. Studia Miejskie, 17, 9–25. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/sm/article/view/2488


Jerzy J. Parysek 



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