The best practices of smart management in polish cities

Danuta Stawasz

Dorota Sikora-Fernandez


The main aim of this paper was aimed at determining the degree to which the smart city concept is used for the purpose of managing cities in Poland. The research team intendezzzzd to approach this relatively new concept in a creative way. It needs to be emphasised that the research project did not aim at documenting examples and/or case studies of smart cities, but rather at identifying the actions of local authorities which could be considered consistent with the smart city concept and aiming at: reducing the costs of the city’s functioning, economising of resources, improving the quality of life and making the city more comfortable for its citizens in particular through applying modern technologies.



smart cities, intelligent cities, management, urban development, technologies

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Cited by

Stawasz, D., & Sikora-Fernandez, D. (2020). The best practices of smart management in polish cities. Studia Miejskie, 19, 35–46. Retrieved from


Danuta Stawasz 


Dorota Sikora-Fernandez 



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