The The makers urban common goods


The making of common goods are the subject of many group of city users activity. Their contribution in place attractivity, which is co-created by them, depend on individual tendencies to cooperation and integration. Common goods are one of the most important results of communities existence. They are produced by them, but can not be made without social initiatives, which are incorporated people concur the same ideas, norms or local identity. The main objective of the paper is point the different groups participants, which are involved in processes of making of urban common goods. It also describes many specific relations among them, fostered the formations of urban communities. The special place in this set of dependencies belong to economic relationships. City users are interested in maximization of benefits, which result of localization the goods in urban space. Among them, tendency to community cooperation, as type of economies of agglomeration, increases motivated by chance on achieve the special addition, which are collective benefits. They can be possible to gain in cities more easier then in another place.


common goods, economy for the common good, city users

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Cited by

Czornik, M. (2020). The The makers urban common goods. Studia Miejskie, 28, 43–58.


Małgorzata Czornik



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