The level and dynamics of business environment development. Comparison between the largest cities in Poland

Joanna Dominiak


In the modern transformation of the socio-economic development, properly shaped environment of business activity which is defined as the business environment is an important development factor. The main objective of the activities of the business environment institutions and companies is the promotion of entrepreneurship and the development of the innovation economy. The purpose of article is to analyze the level and dynamics of development of the business environment in the years 2000–2009. Due to the fact that the business environment services are, to a large extent, activities of urban location, research includes the 18 largest towns in Poland. In the article, an attempt is made to answer the following questions: 1. which cities in Poland have the best developed business environment, 2. what is the dynamics of business services development in the cities in the years 2000–2008.


business environment, innovative environment, business services, socio-economic development

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Cited by

Dominiak, J. (2020). The level and dynamics of business environment development. Comparison between the largest cities in Poland. Studia Miejskie, 7, 59–69. Retrieved from


Joanna Dominiak 



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