Tourist municipals’ diversty as a determinant of cooperation between local governments

Katarzyna Czernek


In the article there is considered the issue of tourism cooperation between local governments. Cooperating governments differ from one another when taking into account tourist attractions, their status (village, town, and town-village), municipals’ size and income, local problems, and also level of development of tourist function or belonging to local government units of a higher level (county, voivodeship). The aim of the article is to show, how the municipal diversity in the mentioned areas can impact upon local govern- ments’ cooperation - its establishment, process and results. The article consists of five parts: introduction, literaturę considerations concerning the role of municipalities’ diversity as a determinant of their cooperation, presentation of methodology, research results and conclusions. To achieve the aim of the article there was used the research conducted in five municipalities (situated in the Beskidy Mountains) which create the agreement called “Beskidzka 5”.


municipal cooperation, municipal diversity, tourist destination

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Cited by

Czernek, K. (2020). Tourist municipals’ diversty as a determinant of cooperation between local governments. Studia Miejskie, 9, 95–106. Retrieved from


Katarzyna Czernek 



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