The The attractiveness and development potential of the city of Biała Podlaska in the opinions of students of economics at Pope John Paul II State College in Biała Podlaska


The study deals with evaluation of the attractiveness and development potential of the City of Biała Podlaska in the opinions of students of economics at the State College in Biała Podlaska. The work contains a theoretical part which presents issues of attractiveness and development potential, as well as an empirical part based on the results of a diagnostic survey carried out among 316 students of the economics major. The assessment of the development potential and functioning of the city was carried out by students, taking into account the needs of young people studying at the College, inhabitants, entrepreneurs and tourists. Research has shown that the respondents were able to rightly assess the chances for the city in the development of education, trade and transport, logistics and shipping. It has also confirmed the fact that the city has lost its well-developed industrial functions.


attractiveness of cities, functioning of cities, development potential of cities, Biała Podlaska

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Cited by

Adamowicz, M., & Zwolińska-Ligaj, M. (2020). The The attractiveness and development potential of the city of Biała Podlaska in the opinions of students of economics at Pope John Paul II State College in Biała Podlaska. Studia Miejskie, 32, 99–111.


Mieczysław Adamowicz


Magdalena Zwolińska-Ligaj



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