Spełnienie indywidualnej historii w Jezusie Chrystusie
Góźdź Krzysztof
Wydział Teologiczny, Uniwersytet Śląski w KatowicachAbstrakt
Each person is a special God’s creation (see Gen 1:27). Each person has his/her unique life history - not only as an autonomous being, but also as a being oriented towards God, that is a being that shares his/her history with God. This latter type of history is not immanent to humans. It started when the Son of God accepted human nature. Thus, the human nature of Jesus Christ means that a history of each human is merged with the history of God. As a result of this merger, a human can participate in the prolepsis of the end of the world, which came into being through the Event of Jesus Christ, and particularly through His Resurrection. Hence, in His Event (Incarnation, Death on the Cross, Resurrection, Elevation) Jesus Christ is a real concrete manifestation of an individual human history since He is a manifestation of the true nature of the human being. He represents each human being before God the Father and He is the ultimate human hope and fullness through His Resurrection. As true God and a true human, Jesus Christ grants sense to manhood in orienting man to salvation: to life in the life of God. This pathway shows how an individual human history finds its full realization. This approach to the relation between humans and God through history is subject to research by such outstanding ecumenists as Piotr Jaskóła and Wolfhart Pannenberg.
Góźdź Krzysztofprof. dr hab.; ksiądz archidiecezji lubelskiej Kościoła rzymskokatolickiego; kierownik Katedry Historii Dogmatów i Teologii Historycznej KUL; członek Komitetu Nauk Teologicznych PAN; konsultor Komisji Nauki Wiary przy KEP; członek Centralnej Komisji do Spraw Stopni i Tytułów; członek Międzynarodowej Komisji Teologicznej; redaktor polskiej edycji Joseph Ratzinger Opera Omnia
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 Studia Oecumenica
Utwór dostępny jest na licencji Creative Commons Uznanie autorstwa – Użycie niekomercyjne – Na tych samych warunkach 4.0
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