Activity of Bishop Hryhory Khomyshyn for the Latinisation of the Greek Catholic Church

Adam Kubasik


The Blessed Hryhory Khomyshyn was a Ukrainian Greek Catholic bishop and hieromartyr. Was born on 25 March 1867 in the village of Hadynkivtsi, eastern Galicia. In 1904, he was ordained bishop for Stanyslaviv. Khomyshyn believed that the Ukrainian Greek Catholic Church should adopt a more westward orientation, further emphasizing the Uniate Church’s relationship with Rome. This meant introducing Latinised practices such as the Gregorian calendar and a strict adherence to clerical celibacy, which were met with controversy in his eparchy.


Byzantinism, celibacy, Greek Catholic Church, Orthodox Church, Gregorian calendar, Julian calendar, Orthodox books, schismatics


Cited by

Kubasik, A. (2016). Activity of Bishop Hryhory Khomyshyn for the Latinisation of the Greek Catholic Church. Studia Oecumenica, 16, 201–216.


Adam Kubasik 



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