Sacrament of Eucharist in Contemporary Ecumenical Dialogues
Piotr Jaskóła
The article presents the teaching on Eucharist in the study document Harvesting the Fruits. Aspects of Christian Faith in Ecumenical Dialogue (New York 2009) prepared by Walter Card. Kasper. The whole document is based on the reports of bilateral dialogues led after II Vatican Council by Roman Catholic Church with Anglican Communion, Lutheran World Federation, World Methodist Council and World Alliance of Reformed Churches. Documents of theses dialogues show the central role of Eucharist as the beginning and the “summit” of the Church. In the time of Reformation the teaching about the sacrificial character of Eucharist, about the real presence of Christ and about ministry became the subject of strong controversy. Thanks to the biblical category of anamnesis nowadays ecumenical dialogues marked out new perspectives in the understanding of Eucharist and new possibilities of inter-denominational convergences. The new rediscovery of the role of epiclesis constitutes in it a favourable factor. Despite many questions remaining still open, growing is the hope for common celebration of the Eucharist.
ecumenical dialogue, Eucharist, ministry, ordination, Reformation, sacrament, II Vatican CouncilReferences
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Piotr JaskółaStatistics
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