Integrative Role of Religion in Shaping the Legal Culture from the Perspective of Joseph Ratzinger (Benedict XVI)
Ewa Kozerska
The article discusses a Joseph Ratzinger’s stance (maintained by Pope Benedict XVI) on sources and essence of law in comparison to the current dominant positivist perspective on legislation. Publications and statements of the theologian show that thesis about religious roots of law making should be acknowledged as justified and standing on historical grounds. This point of view allows one to perceive an individual that is rational and has free will as the source of moral natural law, by which positive law should bound. Developed by the Christian thought, this hierarchy of laws ensures, effectively and permanently, the state has the right to sanction inviolable dignity and subjective rights everyone is entitled to. However, the promoted concept substantiated by universal religious axiology stays in contrast to the currently propagated formalistic, utilitarian, and relativistic view of the law making system. In the Pope’s conviction, current preference of idea of law not connected to religion and ethics supports the ambivalence of human rights (and of their interpretation) rather than considering them as a common and absolutely binding ground in the European tradition.
J. Ratzinger, Benedict XVI, religion, ethics, natural law, positive lawReferences
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Ewa KozerskaStatistics
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