Dialog kultur w Europie – wyzwanie dla szkolnego nauczania religii
The article attempts to discuss the international scientific conference of the European Forum for Religious Education in Schools (EuFRES). The 20th Forum took up the topic of "Dialogue of Cultures in Europe - a Challenge for School Teaching of Religion". The basic assumptions of EuFRES were presented along with the course of several days of deliberations that took place in Vienna in April 2022. The European Forum for Religious Education in Schools is an international and independent body of pedagogical and religious research and exchange of experiences in the field of school teaching of religion. Forum representatives have been meeting and conducting intentional dialogue for four decades. The fruit of the last, post-pandemic debate turned out to be valuable conclusions and postulates on the subject of interpersonal and interreligious dialogue as a challenge for school teaching of religion. In the educational dialogue, there are no ready-made recipes that could be easily applied, but there are values, attitudes and qualities that must be acquired and developed. On the basis of experience, research and the constantly developing debate of theoreticians and practitioners of education and upbringing, this does not seem to be an easy task, but one that is necessary for a culture of dialogue to be developed and promoted and without which there can be no dialogue of cultures in a globalized and information society. In this context, an important goal of religious education is to help students develop the skills of dialogue understood as an expression of respect and recognition of the value of another person. Everyone involved in the education process is obliged to constantly develop competences in the field of active participation in dialogue. Teachers, students and their parents should participate in shaping the attitude of dialogue. Formation should combine elements of theory and practice, and it should also provide a holistic harmonization of the cognitive, emotional, communicative and spiritual levels.
European Forum for Religious Education in Schools, dialogue, upbringing, religious education, dialogue of cultures, Europejskie Forum Nauczania Religii w Szkołach, dialog, wychowywanie, nauka religii, dialog kulturReferences
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Jan Kochelhttps://orcid.org/0000-0002-0399-6056
Jan Kochel - theologian and pedagogue, professor of theological sciences, head of the department of Pastoral Theology, Catechetics, Pedagogy and Psychology at the University of Opole, expert in textbooks at Komisja Wychowania Katolickiego, KEP (the Catholic Education Commission), member of Equipe Européenne de Catéchèse (EEC), European Forum for Religious Education in Schools (EuFRES), Stowarzyszenie Katechetyków Polskich (the Association of Polish Catechists) and Polskie Stowarzyszenie Familiologiczne (the Polish Familiological Association); editor-in-chief of the Szkoła Słowa Bożego website (www.ssb24.pl). Author of e.g. Pedagogia biblijna w katechezie (2012), Wprowadzenie do antropologii pedagogicznej (2018); Duchowa pedagogia miłości (2018).
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