the mystery of divinization of the manas a consequence of the Incarnation. Christoph Schönborn christological perspective
Przemysław Artemiuk
Uniwersytet Kardynała Stefana Wyszyńskiego w Warszawie, Wydział Teologiczny
In the article, the author shows the mystery of divinization of the man, according to Ch. Schönborn, as a consequence of the Incarnation. The idea of theosis, which is characteristic of Eastern Orthodoxy, harmonizes with the mystery of the Incarnation. The Christian understanding of theosis has nothing to do with self-divinization of the man, it is rather a break from the false image of God in order to open up to the full richness of Trinitarian life. The purpose of the Incarnation is the divinization of the man – for God has become a man so that a man can unite with God for eternity. The divinization of the man means making us sons, because Christ coming to earth did not want to change or replace the human nature, on the contrary – he wanted to "lead" it to where it had been before the fall, and thus, according to the Creator's original intention, – to immortality. Ch. Schönborn emphasizes that deification begins here on earth by the sacraments of the Church, which make our sonship in the Son "reproduce" His life in us.
divinization, Ch. Schönborn, IncarnationReferences
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