Wkład ks. Arkadiusza Misia w rozwój myśli ekumenicznej na Śląsku Cieszyńskim

Kszysztof Zięba


This article is a part of the research devoted to the ecumenical activity of priest and rector Arkadiusz Mi and his contribution to development of ecumenical views in the area of Cieszyn Silesia. Thanks to him, ideas presented in the documents of the Vatican II, as well as in the encyclical of the pope John Paul II Ut unum sint, have been confirmed in the deeds of the rector from Drogomyl. The rector performed the will of Christ while commending his believers to maintain unity. ìIn order to be oneî ñ these are the words of our Lord, quoted by St. John, the author of the gospel, and the same time the thought which begins the encyclical take on a particular meaning in the context of divisions that have taken place among Christians. They require application which has become the essence of the activity of the contemporary Church, including the one in the area of Cieszyn Silesia. Ecumenism in the historical-religious dimension and in the social one is the subject matter of my research I have associated with the activity of priest A. Mi. In this article I have referred to his biography being one of the factors shaping ecumenical charisma. In addition I have discussed practical dimension of the activity of priest A. Mi in the area of Cieszyn Silesia, his involvement in works of the Diocesan Ecumenical Commission or in the works of Synod of Katowice in the years 1972ñ1975.



Zięba, K. (2012). Wkład ks. Arkadiusza Misia w rozwój myśli ekumenicznej na Śląsku Cieszyńskim. Studia Oecumenica, 12, 107–115. https://doi.org/10.25167/so.3380


Kszysztof Zięba 



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