Guidelines for authors
- The author publishing in “Theological-Historical Studies of Opole Silesia” sends an article that is of a scientific nature and should consist of 20,000 to 45,000 characters (including spaces). The text should have a clear structure, which includes an introduction stating the research problem, the method and way of presenting the issue, a few points presenting the issues, and a conclusion containing basic outcomes. The article should be accompanied by an abstract (maximum 100 words) in Polish and English along with the translated title of the article, and the key words should be placed under the summary in Polish and English (from 3-5). After the summaries, a list of the literature used should be placed (in alphabetical order).
- At the end of the article, a short biographical note should be placed, containing information about the academic degree awarded, current academic position or position held, research interests and the latest publications (maximum 3). In addition, please send your contact details (address, e-mail, and telephone number - for editorial attention). The text of the article along with a bibliography, summaries, keywords, and information about the author should be submitted to the editorial office in one file in Word format when submitting the submission through the journal's website. In addition, the appropriate fields containing metadata must be completed.
- In order to secure the originality of scientific articles (ghostwriting barrier), the editorial office requires a declaration that the text submitted for publication is original and has not been published anywhere before. This declaration is also a form of consent to the publication of the article, both in paper and electronic form, on the journal's website and in the databases where it is located. This declaration is expressed when submitting the text on the journal's website by checking the appropriate boxes.
- The text must be submitted by the end of February (this applies to the first issue) or the end of July (this applies to the second issue) of a given year by registering on the journal's website. The text should be saved in Word format. Doctoral students should additionally send a recommendation for the submitted text, signed by the supervisor or another professor, to the editorial office.
- If fonts other than Times New Roman appear in the text, they should also be sent. Formatting should be limited to the most basic codes. In addition to the bibliographic description, a basic font should be used (no underlining, bold or other graphic distinctions). Italics are used only for foreign words and titles. The following parameters should be used: Times New Roman font (font size 12 points in the main text and 10 points in footnotes), line spacing of 1.5 in the main text and 1.0 in footnotes.
- Abbreviations should be used in accordance with the following list of abbreviations: J. WARMIŃSKI (oprac.), Encyklopedia Katolicka. Wykaz skrótów, Lublin 20103.
In bibliographic entries, the journal uses the Chicago format, both in footnotes and in the list.
Cited sources and studies are written in footnotes. References from Holy Scripture should not be written in footnotes, but in the main text in brackets at the end of a quotation (1 Cor 2:12-17) or a paraphrased or mentioned biblical fragment (cf. Gen 2:24).
At the end of the article, a bibliographic list should be placed, which should consist of two parts. The first part is sources, but its creation is not obligatory. The sources may include archival documents, classic works of Christian writers (including the Church Fathers), Church documents or other secular documents (constitutions, laws, codes, etc.). The recording of documents should be treated similarly to the recording of author's books, which, when quoting for the first time, can be given as an abbreviation in brackets and used in subsequent footnotes (abbreviations should be used in accordance with the list according to the Catholic Encyclopaedia/ Encyklopedii Katolickiej). The list of sources should include the entire entry, as in the case of books. The second part of the bibliographic list is the appended bibliography, which is mandatory and must be arranged in alphabetical order. The appended bibliography should also be placed in the appropriate section when submitting the text for printing.
According to the Chicago format, individual entries should be made as follows.
- Record of a single- or multi-authored book
In the footnotes: Name, surname of the author(s). Publication date. Title. Subtitle. Place of publication: publishing house, website(s).
Andrzej S. Jasiński. 2014. Komentarz do księgi proroka Ezechiela: rozdziały 31–39 (Opolska Biblioteka Teologiczna, 143). Opole: Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 100–108.
Martin M. Lintner. 2018. Von Humanae vitae bis Amoris laetitia. Die Geschichte einer umstrittenen Lehre. Innsbruck-Wien: Tyrolia Verlag, 121–123.
Eberhard Schockenhoff. 2014. Etyka życia. Podstawy i nowe wyzwania. Tłum. Konrad Glombik. Opole: Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego, 32-34.
Krystyna Bronowska, Elżbieta Żywucka-Kozłowska, Dariusz Czekan. 2009. Subkultury destrukcji. Studium metodologiczno-kryminalistyczne. Szczecin: Wydawnictwo PrintGroup, 45-58.
Franciszek. 2013. Adhortacja apostolska "Evangelii gaudium", Watykan: Libreria Editrice Vaticana (dalej: EG), nr 23.
The same item cited in the next footnote: surname. Year. Title, page(s).
Jasiński. 2014. Komentarz do księgi proroka Ezechiela, 88.
Schockenhoff. 2014. Etyka życia, 345.
EG 25.
In the bibliographic list: Surname and name of the author(s). Publication date. Title. Subtitle. Place of publication: publishing house.
Bronowska Krystyna, Żywucka-Kozłowska Elżbieta, Czekan Dariusz. 2009. Subkultury destrukcji. Studium metodologiczno-kryminalistyczne. Szczecin: Wydawnictwo PrintGroup.
Jasiński Andrzej S. 2014. Komentarz do księgi proroka Ezechiela: rozdziały 31–39 (Opolska Biblioteka Teologiczna 143). Opole: Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego.
Lintner Martin M. 2018. Von Humanae vitae bis Amoris laetitia. Die Geschichte einer umstrittenen Lehre. Innsbruck-Wien: Tyrolia Verlag.
Schockenhoff Eberhard. 2014. Etyka życia. Podstawy i nowe wyzwania. Tłum. Konrad Glombik. Opole: Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego.
- Notation of a chapter in a book
In the footnotes: name, surname of the author(s). Publication date. Title and subtitle of the chapter, Title of the book, Name and surname of the editor, page(s). Place of publication: publishing house.
Roman Lewandowski, Ireneusz Kowalski. 2008. W poszukiwaniu obiektywnych metod pomiaru jakości usług medycznych. W Współczesne wyzwania strukturalne i menedżerskie w ochronie zdrowia. Red. Roman Lewandowski, 253. Olsztyn: Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski.
Andrzej S. Jasiński. 1997. Chleb i wino w Starym Testamencie, W Ineffabile Eucharistiae donum. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Księdzu Biskupowi Alfonsowi Nossolowi Wielkiemu Kanclerzowi Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego z okazji 65. rocznicy urodzin oraz 20-lecia święceń biskupich. Red. Tadeusz Dola, 187–189. Opole: Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego.
The same item cited again: Name of the author(s). Year. Chapter title, page(s).
Jasiński. 1997. Chleb i wino w Starym Testamencie, 194.
Lewandowski, Kowalski. 2008. W poszukiwaniu obiektywnych metod pomiaru jakości usług medycznych, 256.
In the bibliographic list: surname and name of the author(s). Publication date. Book chapter title, Book title. Name and surname of the editor(s), chapter pages. Place of publication: publishing house.
Jasiński Andrzej S. 1997. Chleb i wino w Starym Testamencie, W Ineffabile Eucharistiae donum. Księga pamiątkowa dedykowana Księdzu Biskupowi Alfonsowi Nossolowi Wielkiemu Kanclerzowi Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego z okazji 65. rocznicy urodzin oraz 20-lecia święceń biskupich. Red. Tadeusz Dola, 187–202. Opole: Redakcja Wydawnictw Wydziału Teologicznego Uniwersytetu Opolskiego.
Lewandowski Roman, Kowalski Ireneusz. 2008. W poszukiwaniu obiektywnych metod pomiaru jakości usług medycznych. W Współczesne wyzwania strukturalne i menedżerskie w ochronie zdrowia. Red. Roman Lewandowski, 253–266. Olsztyn: Uniwersytet Warmińsko-Mazurski.
- A transcript of a scientific article published in a journal
In the footnotes: name, surname of the author(s). Year. "Title of the article". Title of the magazine, year (No.) of the issue: page(s).
Krzysztof Kawlewski, Eugeniusz Świtoński. 2013. „Zastosowanie algorytmów genetycznych w optymalizacji sterowania ruchów roboczych suwnicy pomostowej”. Transport Przemysłowy i Maszyny Robocze 19 (1) : 37.
Benedikt Kranemann. (2019). „Theologie und Öffentlichkeit aus der deutschen Perspektive“. Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego 38 (2) : 15–16.
Piotr Kopiec. 2019. “Ecumenical Ambiguities: The Case of the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians”. Studia Oecumenica 18 : 41–42.
The same item quoted again: Surname. Year. "Title" page(s).
Kranemann. (2019). „Theologie und Öffentlichkeit aus der deutschen Perspektive“ 18.
In the bibliographic list: surname and names of the author(s). Year. "Article Title". Title of the magazine, year (number) of the issue: pages.
Kawlewski Krzysztof, Eugeniusz Świtoński. 2013. „Zastosowanie algorytmów genetycznych w optymalizacji sterowania ruchów roboczych suwnicy pomostowej”. Transport Przemysłowy i Maszyny Robocze 19 (1) : 37–41.
Kranemann Benedikt. (2019). „Theologie und Öffentlichkeit aus der deutschen Perspektive“. Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego 38 (2) : 15–30.
Kopiec Piotr. 2019. “Ecumenical Ambiguities: The Case of the Ecumenical Association of Third World Theologians”. Studia Oecumenica”18 : 41–52.
- Recording of texts published online on websites
In the footnotes: author's name/surname. Year. Title (date of access), website [enable 'remove hyperlink'].
Roman Bartnicki. 2018. „Mk 16, 9-20 jako świadectwo prawdy o zmartwychwstaniu Jezusa”. Fides et Ratio (4) : 26 (12.03.2019)
Franciszek Kucharczyk. 2016. To "Amoris laetitia" a nie "Spełniamy życzenia" (13.04.2016).
W świadomości ludzi kościoła musi nastąpić odważna głęboka i autentyczna przemiana (14.04.2016).
In the bibliographic list: surname, name of the author(s). Year. Title (access date) Full website address [enable "remove hyperlink"]. The list includes only scientific texts published online that have an author and title.
Bartnicki Roman. 2018. „Mk 16, 9-20 jako świadectwo prawdy o zmartwychwstaniu Jezusa”. Fides et ratio (4) : 25-55 (12.03.2019)
Guidelines for authors available for download