The Vocation to Love in the Light of Research on Married Couples
Elżbieta Kuczmarska
Faculty of Theology of the John Paul II. Catholic University in Lublin
Marriage is a basic human vocation realized by the majority of the members of the Church. Man and woman are called to be a space in which God's love manifests and gives birth to life. The sacrament of marriage strengthens their love and at the same time indicates the obligations of their calling. Studies conducted among spouses have shown that a high percentage of spouses view their vocation to marital love from a theological perspective, in accordance with the teaching of the Church. This is more often understood by women, spouses over 46 and those belonging to religious associations. Challenges in shaping the understanding of the call to love are men, younger spouses, the less educated and those not affiliated with the Church.
vocation to love, marriage, pastoral care for married couples, empirical study of spousesReferences
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