Eucharistic Ecclesiology of the Second Vatican Council in the Interpretation of Joseph Ratzinger
Krzysztof Mętlewicz
University of Cardinal Stefan Wyszyński in Warsaw
The article presents Joseph Ratzinger’s reflection on the Eucharist, which, according to the teaching of the Second Vatican Council, is the center of the Church. The People of God, having received from Christ his sacramental presence, are to celebrate the Eucharist with fear and respect, they should discover it as his highest expression of worship and remember that they draw their source from it. The correct reading
of these conciliar truths is clearly seen in the theology of Joseph Ratzinger, who not only points to the postulates of renewal that are essential for the Council, but also gives concrete suggestions on how the Church should look at His supreme gift – the Eucharist.
The Second Vatican Council, Eucharist, Church, People of GodStatistics
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