Attitudes to the pilgrimage movement in Poland as amintained by the communist authorities
The case of the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary Parish in Kalisz
Grzegorz Benedyk Klonowski
Faculty of Theology of the University of Opole
Since the 17th century the Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary parish in Kalisz has been an important place of worship to St. Joseph. Communist authorities focused on discouraging the public from taking part in pilgrimages. Walking pilgrimages from Kalisz to Jasna Góra were organized despite persecution against their members. In the 1980s, the main concern of the communist authorities was to decrease the ‘Solidarity’ influence in the pilgrimage movement. The cult of St. Joseph in Kalisz developed despite the oppression, thanks to the efforts of priests: Mieczysław Janowski, Bogumił Kasprzak, Zenon Kalinowski, Józef Olczyk, Marian Chwilczyński and Lucjan Andrzejczak.
pilgrimages, Kalisz, St. JosephReferences
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