Martyrdom Because of Odium Fidei – on the Example of the Murder of Father Stanisław Streich in the Light of the Crime in Luboń

Wojciech Mueller

Faculty of Theology of the Adam Mickiewicz University in Poznań


The article is devoted to the analysis of the murder of the parish priest of st. John Bosco in Luboń, made on February
27, 1938 by a communist agitator. Despite the fact that so many years have passed since the priest’s death, the matter raises many emotions to this day, because the pastoral
and social activity of rev. Steich left behind abundant and blessed fruits, and he himself became a candidate for the glory of the altars on the way of martyrdom. In the canonization inquiry aimed at recognizing martyrdom, the Church pays special attention to the need to accept death, as exemplified by Christ, and reminds us that from ancient times martyrdom was compared to water baptism and was called the baptism of blood. However, this does not
change the fact that the essential elements to be considered in such proceedings, conducted in this way, are: indication of a specific person of the martyr and the persecutor, proof of the actual death, as well as the cause of death. All these areas of research not only appear in the
“crime of Luboń”, but confirm and ensure that the Servant of God, rev. Stanisław Streich is an in odium fidei martyr, and his beatification is a matter of time.


martyrdom, martyr, persecutor, actual death, crime motive

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Cited by

Mueller, W. (2023). Martyrdom Because of Odium Fidei – on the Example of the Murder of Father Stanisław Streich in the Light of the Crime in Luboń. Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 42(2), 235–253.


Wojciech Mueller



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