Jesus’ Evangelistic Instructions in Selected Texts from the Gospel of Luke (Lk 9:1-6; 10:1-12) and their Praxis in the Early Church (Acts 16:16-34; 19:8- 12)

Stanisław Witkowski MS

UPJP2 w Krakowie


The article is based on two texts taken from the Gospel of Luke concerning the mission of the Twelve (Luke 9:1-6) and seventy / seventy-two (Luke 10:1-12). The first mission is directed to Israel, while the second is a prelude to the evangelization of the world. It is striking that the messengers have no protection; they are deprived of even what is necessary to start out. Their poverty is intended to stress the importance of the message they preach. Their
mission relates to the proclamation of the kingdom of God already present in the person of the Saviour. The healings, driving out of evil spirits are a powerful confirmation of this.
Jesus prepared his messengers to face opposition. The instructions he gave to his disciples can also be seen in the post-paschal church. Two texts selected from the Acts of the Apostles (16: 16-34; 19:8-12) confirm that the proclamation of the kingdom is accompanied by signs in the form of healings and deliverances from demons. Also, there is a significant opposition to evangelizers. Still, evangelization becomes more and more widespread, and no one is able
to stop it, because it is carried out according to the instructions of Jesus.

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Cited by

Witkowski MS, S. (2022). Jesus’ Evangelistic Instructions in Selected Texts from the Gospel of Luke (Lk 9:1-6; 10:1-12) and their Praxis in the Early Church (Acts 16:16-34; 19:8- 12). Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 42(1), 35–57.


Stanisław Witkowski MS



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