Abbot Adalbert Kurzeja OSB (1920–2016) – Life and Service

Przemysław Pawlak

Bytom, Poland


Father Adalbert (Franz) Kurzeja was born in 1920 to Paul and Agnes Kurzeja. His youth fell during an uneasy period in history. After graduating from high school in Raciborz, he entered the seminary in Breslau. However, his studies were quickly interrupted by the war, as he was recruited into the army. The end of the war found him in Italy, where he volunteered to deconstruct the destroyed abbey on Monte Cassino. The following years were filled with theological studies in Rome, taking ordination as a priest and finally living as a Benedictine monk at the abbey convent of Maria Laach. In 1967 he completed his studies in liturgy, crowning it with a doctorate. He was active in Trier for many years and was responsible for the work of liturgical reform after Vatican II in Germany. From 1977 to 1990, he served as abbot of Maria Laach.


Father Adalbert Franz Kurzeja OSB, Church after II World War, Abbey of Maria Laach, litrugical renewal after the Second Vatican Council, German Liturgical Intitute

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Cited by

Pawlak, P. (2023). Abbot Adalbert Kurzeja OSB (1920–2016) – Life and Service. Studia Teologiczno-Historyczne Śląska Opolskiego, 43(2), 211–232.


Przemysław Pawlak

Master of theology, graduated at the Faculty of Theology of the University of Opole, Poland.



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