What will change in Hungary after Amoris laetitia?
Gusztáv Kovács
Bishop's Highschool of Theology in PécsAbstract
Amoris laetitia is a crisis-document that was knowingly written in a crisis situation and in the search for solutions. However, it is on no account a document of pessimism or a prophecy of cultural downfall. It is much rather a document of hope. The text does not want to give clear and simple answers, but wants to motivate the readers to open up themselves for new visions. The document is characterized by attitudes which promote this opening: the attitude of
the open arms and open eyes, acceptance of plurality, and sensitivity towards joy and suffering. Whether Amoris laetitia will change something in Hungary depends on whether these attitudes will also find a home in our church. For example, whether the question of gender is addressed as open as Pope Francis does, and whether the plural experiences of men and women are taken seriously under the conditions of disparate modernization. The
second question is, whether we are creative and courageous enough to look for solutions in order to shape gender roles in a way that both sexes can grow in their lives and live under fair and just conditions. To this growth belong all abilities which enable them to live in a family in peace.
Amoris laetitia, gender, Family, HungaryAuthors
Gusztáv KovácsStatistics
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