Social support and critical life events in middle adulthood. The different role of siblings

Katarzyna Kamila Walęcka-Matyja

Instytut Psychologii, Wydział Nauk o Wychowaniu, Uniwersytet Łódzki


Background: Social support plays an important role in the process of adaptation to the consequences of critical life events, facilitating coping with them. It is assumed that the possibility of experiencing critical life events is a common phenomenon and mostly concerns people in middle adulthood.

Objectives: It was considered whether there is a difference in the perception of various aspects of social support, satisfaction from the support received from a loved one, and the severity of critical life events depending on having siblings.

The aim was also to check the relationship between the intensity of critical life events and the perceived available social support and the quality of interpersonal relationships of adult siblings. The last objective of the study was to determine the relationship between the perception of available support and the quality of interpersonal relationships between adult siblings.

Methodology: The research used the quantitative and descriptive method, which includes self-report questionnaires (Berlin Social Support Scales, Social Readjustment Rating Scale, Adult Siblings Relationships Questionnaire and a questionnaire). The study involved 136 in middle adulthood (M=41.18, SD=5.88). People with siblings constituted the first group (n=72, 52.9%), including 50 (69.4%) women and 22 (30%) men. In the group of people without siblings (n=64, 47.1%) there were 21(32.8%) women and 43 (67.2%) men. The collected data was subjected to statistical analysis using the IMB SPSS Statistics version 27 software licensed by the University of XX.

Results: Groups of people with and without siblings did not differ in terms of perceived and received emotional, instrumental and informational support, and in terms of severity of critical life events. People with siblings derived greater satisfaction from the support provided by a close person. The severity of critical life events was not significantly associated with perceived available social support. Experiencing a greater intensity of critical life events was significantly associated with a less compatible interpersonal relationship between adult siblings. Perceiving available emotional support was associated with a consensual adult sibling relationship.

Conclusions: The presented research results lead to reflection on the need for and importance of social support and shape the awareness of creating accessible social networks.


critical events, interpersonal relationship, middle adulthood, siblings, social support

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Cited by

Walęcka-Matyja, K. K. (2024). Social support and critical life events in middle adulthood. The different role of siblings. Family Forum, 13, 109–136.


Katarzyna Kamila Walęcka-Matyja 

dr hab. Katarzyna Walęcka-Matyja, prof. UŁ – psycholog, wykłada w Instytucie Psychologii Uniwersytetu Łódzkiego. Przedmiot zainteresowań dr hab. Katarzyny Walęckiej-Matyji stanowi problematyka psychologii społecznej i rodziny. Prowadzi badania nad zagadnieniem wartości rodzinnych, nad funkcjonowaniem członków rodzin o zróżnicowanej strukturze oraz nad aspektami bliskich relacji interpersonalnych w systemie rodzinnym. Autorka i współautorka pięciu monografii naukowych pt. Psychologiczne uwarunkowania osiągnięć szkolnych uczniów (2022), Rodzina jako wartość. Analiza psychologiczna wartości rodzinnych (2021), Rozwiązywanie sytuacji konfliktowych. Wybrane problemy (2019), Relacje interpersonalne dorosłych rodzeństw w aspekcie funkcjonowania psychospołecznego i krytycznych wydarzeń życiowych (2018), Struktura rodziny a zróżnicowanie zachowań społecznych i osobowości młodzieży (2009) oraz kilkudziesięciu opublikowanych artykułów w czasopismach i monografiach naukowych. Współpracuje pro publico bono z mediami i prasą popularyzując naukę.

Instytut Psychologii, Wydział Nauk o Wychowaniu, Uniwersytet Łódzki

al. Rodziny Scheiblerów 2 90-128 Łódź


Associate Professor, Katarzyna Walęcka-Matyja, PhD

Institute of Psychology, Department of Social Psychology and Family Study,

University of Lodz, al. Rodziny Scheiblerów 90-128 Lodz, Poland



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