Family to the formation of gender identity of the child in the prenatal period

Emilia Lichtenberg-Kokoszka

Uniwersytet Opolski


The first people who face the sexuality of the child are his parents. They must help him to better define the: “Who am I?”, “Who do I feel?”, “Who will I be?”. Meanwhile, the man has at least some types of sexuality – somatic, psychological and social, genetic, gonadal, genital, and hormonal. Individual elements of human sexuality interact strengthening, confirming or denying one another. What’s more, they form a “mosaic” which means every person is a little different. And although it seems that parents have little influence on prenatal gender identity of their children, the awareness of the processes involved and intergenerational responsibility seems to be an important factor for the bio, psycho and social health of successive generations. That responsibility shows the family as one of the factors affecting future generations and gender identity.
This article presents the process of shaping gender identity in the prenatal period, taking into account factors that affect him. It also underlines the importance of the functioning of the reproductive period of psychosexual health of subsequent generations. I hope it will also provide a reason for deep reflection on how largely existential, ethical and moral issues transpire. Contemplation will allow one to create one’s own view on the development of individual gender identity. In today’s world we have a pr6oblem not only with someone specifying gender, but how we relate to persons who do not fit into the scheme of what we perceive to be the “standard man or standard woman”.


process of shaping gender identity in the prenatal period, types of sexuality – somatic; psychological and social, genetic, gonadal, genital, and hormonal, factors disorder the process formation of gender identity unborn child

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Cited by

Lichtenberg-Kokoszka, E. (2019). Family to the formation of gender identity of the child in the prenatal period. Family Forum, 4, 275–292. Retrieved from


Emilia Lichtenberg-Kokoszka 



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