Przedmałżeńskie współżycie seksualne a odraczanie decyzji o małżeństwie i rodzicielstwie
Weronika Juroszek
In this publication it is analyzed how premarital sex influences postponing a decision to marry and decision to have children. Basic reasons of postponing marriage are also presented. It is proved that premarital sex delays such a developmental task as selection of the spouse. It is explained that the decision to marry is influenced by the following factors esultingfrom premarital sex: cultural acceptance of sex outside marriage, trauma due to interruption of previous sexual relations. Longer period of fertility in case of men
than women is also considered.
premarital sex, decision to marry, decision to have children, selection of the spouse, fertility.Juroszek, W. (2024). Przedmałżeńskie współżycie seksualne a odraczanie decyzji o małżeństwie i rodzicielstwie. Family Forum, 2, 45–57. Abgerufen von
Weronika JuroszekStatistics
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- Weronika Juroszek, Seksualność a przywiązanie , Family Forum: Bd. 2 (2010): Problems of the modern family II