Seksualność a przywiązanie

Weronika Juroszek


This publication refers to the J. Bowlby’s attachment theory. This theory says that in human there is a⁠ biologically conditioned tendency to search and create proximity to significant persons. Followers of Bowlby – C. Hazan i⁠ P. Shaver considered romantic relation as an attachment relation. They have found that both in child-parent and romantic relation the same biological system is responsible for emotional and behavioral evolution of relation. The base of attachment is emotional and psychical proximity.

In this work it is emphasized how important for creation of attachment in romantic relation first sexual contacts are. It is also underlined that breaking romantic or child-mother relation may provoke serious traumatism.

The author of the publication claims that among factors influencing proximity in sexual relation are: emotional proximity, sex (stronger impact in case of women), earlier effort to abstain from this relation (eg. religiously motivated), whether the partner is or is not the first one (stronger impact in case of the first sexual partner).

Słowa kluczowe:

attachment, attachment styles, premarital sex, imprinting, proximity



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Juroszek, W. (2024). Seksualność a przywiązanie. Family Forum, 2, 121–132. Pobrano z


Weronika Juroszek 



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