Religijność personalna a satysfakcja z małżeństwa

Ewa Kiełek-Rataj

Uniwersytet Opolski


This study examined the association between religiosity and marital satisfaction. One hundred and twenty husbands and wives completed a 30-item religiosity scale and a questionnaire measuring marital satisfaction. Findings were that wife’s religious behavioural practices, the number of children, and the husband’s faith were statistically significant (p < .05 and p < .01) predictors of the husband’s martial satisfaction. The study also found that wife’s religious behavioural practices and the husband’s educational attainment were statistically significant predictors (p < .01 and p < .05) of the wife’s marital satisfaction. Interaction effects showed that the combination of husband and wife religiosity combined in interesting ways to predict martial satisfaction, over and above the main effects described above. The ultimate aim of this study was to inform marital and other therapists on the role of religiosity in promoting marital satisfaction.

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