The liturgical repertoire in the church of St. John the Baptist in Jodłów on the basis of the parish’s musical inventory from the year 1939

Andrzej Prasał

Katedra Muzykologii UO


This article describes the inventory of musical pieces of the church of St. John the Baptist in Jodłów in the Kłodzko county, which comprises 81 positions. The collection consisted predominantly of easily performable works for a four-part mixed choir with orchestra or organ accompaniment. Among various compositions, the local vocal and instrumental ensemble had at its disposal 34 masses (including six funeral masses), seven collections of graduals and offertories as well as nine litanies. A large group of musical pieces consisted of various choral arrangements of hymns, especially Marian and funeral hymns. Special attention should be given to the fact that church composers from the turn of the nineteenth and twentieth centuries who were involved in the Cecilian movement were also represented. It is also very pleasing that Silesian artists, particularly artists working in the Kłodzko valley, were included as well. The collection presented in this article is proof of the fairly decent standard of musical culture in the parish church of Jodłów, which is on par with the practice in other rural parishes of the Kłodzko region. Unfortunately, due to the lack of source information, the question must remain unanswered in how far the compositions contained in the inventory found their way to the repertoire performed by the local choir of Jodłów.


Jodłów, church music, liturgical repertoire, musical inventory, parish choir, organs

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Cited by

Prasał, A. (2020). The liturgical repertoire in the church of St. John the Baptist in Jodłów on the basis of the parish’s musical inventory from the year 1939. Liturgia Sacra. Liturgia - Musica - Ars, 54(2), 573–587.


Andrzej Prasał 



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