Liturgical reform is irreversible.

A vote on a tendency of return to the preconciliar liturgy (“trental”)

Viktoriya Semenova



As to the growing popularity of the extraordinary form of the Roman rite and contradicting the new form, the author decided to share several reflections from the position of the researcher of liturgy and law. The article refers to some tendencies within the area of examining liturgy of the Roman-catholic Church, particularly to the lack of interest in the legal aspect of the analysis, which generates certain methodological problems. The author specially considers the issue of two forms of the Mass existing within one rite of the Roman-catholic Church. In order to examine it I suggest romanistic hermeneutics, that in - harmonious cooperation with theology and philosophy – it would allow to avoid methodological errors committed in decoding liturgical signs, which often becomes the reason of an artificial conflict between the followers of the new and the old rites.


Key words: Roman rite, Roman-Catholic Church, tendency, forms of rites, ordinary form, extraordinary form, liturgy, Holy Mass, sign, symbol, Roman law, jurisprudence, Latin language, romanistic hermeneutics.


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Cited by

Semenova, V. (2020). Liturgical reform is irreversible.: A vote on a tendency of return to the preconciliar liturgy (“trental”). Liturgia Sacra. Liturgia - Musica - Ars, 54(2), 417–426.


Viktoriya Semenova 



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