The basic principles of restructuring proceedings

Jonasz Kita

Uniwersytet Opolski. Wydział Prawa i Administracji


The restructuring law in force in Poland for two years is still a young branch of law, mainly based on bankruptcy law, which is referred to by the judiciary and doctrine. However, despite the many similarities that combine somehow the two legal acts, i.e. the restructuring law and the bankruptcy law, one should point to some differences already existing at the foundation of these legal acts, i.e. the principles on which they were based. These principles constituted the basis for legislative work, as well as now constitute the main interpretation of the restructuring law. The main purpose of restructuring proceedings is to preserve the debtor’s enterprise, which, as a consequence, generates a lot of positive effects, in this that it helps to achieve the second of the prime objectives of the proceeding, i.e. to satisfy the debtor’s creditors. Other important measures that are supposed to be a consequence of the application of regulations based on the principles described in this article are also those affecting the awareness and mentality of entrepreneurs, among whom there is still a widespread belief that filing for bankruptcy involves bankruptcy, the inability to recover their debts, which causes frequent lack of willingness to take active actions on the part of creditors. Restricting the restructuring law on the described principles is to provide multiple benefits – ensure the debtor’s further existence, satisfy the creditors and maintain stability in the economic market.



restructuring, creditors, debtor

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Cited by

Kita, J. (2019). The basic principles of restructuring proceedings. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 16(2), 115–130.


Jonasz Kita 




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