Expiration of the claim as a consequence of failure to submit claims in Slovak Restructuring Law
Rafał Adamus
Uniwersytet Opolski. Wydział Prawa i Administracjihttps://orcid.org/0000-0003-4968-459X
This study is devoted to the analysis of Slovak restructuring law limited to the interpretation of § 120 sec. 1 ZoKR, which introduces a very interesting legal structure. It is not permissible to recover from the debtor – after initiation of Slovak restructuring proceedings –claims arising before the initiation of the proceedings in the other way than in restructuring proceedings. Upon completing the restructuring proceedings and approving the restructuring plan, the regulations preclude the pursuit of claims from the debtor by those creditors who did not submit their claims in the restructuring proceedings, because the debtor’s obligation becomes incomplete. Used in § 120 sec. 1 ZoKR, the term “disappearing” means the material effect of the expiry of the claim. The situation described in § 120 para. 1 ZoKR, however, has no res iudicata qualities. The expiry of the inactive creditor’s claim under § 120 sec. 1 ZoKR does not mean the inadmissibility of conducting civil proceedings in general (it is not an absolute, negative procedural premise).
restructuring proceedings, incidental proceedings, notification of claims, expiration of the claimReferences
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