The effects of the so-called incidental proceedings in Slovak Restructuring Law
Rafał Adamus
Uniwersytet Opolski. Wydział Prawa i Administracji
This study is devoted to the analysis of Slovak restructuring law limited to the interpretation of § 124 sec. 6 ZoKR. The provisions of Slovak law in relation to claims reported but not recognized in the restructuring proceedings allow creditors to bring legal action against the debtor, under the so-called incidental action. The effects of the court’s decision issued after conducting such proceedings are set out in § 124 sec. 6 ZoKR. The content of the study presents arguments for the thesis that the term “ne mozno voci dlznikovi vymahat”, as used in § 124 para. 6 ZoKR, carries a substantive effect of the expiry of the claim, but as a result of the court’s recognition of the case in an incidental proceedings by virtue of the general procedural rules, it appears – the state of res judicata. From the provision of § 124 para. 6 ZoKR it should be concluded that by the end of the incidental process, the state of lis pendes is updated.
restructuring proceedings, incidental proceedings, notification of claims, expiration of the claimReferences
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