Gloss to the resolution of the Supreme Court of February 15, 2019, III CZP 85/18, Legalis

Magdalena Rzewuska

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The publication is devoted to the analysis of the resolution of the Supreme Court of February 15, 2019, III CZP 85/18, in which the court found it inadmissible for parents to purchase real estate for a child under their parental authority without the consent of the guardianship court as a result of concluding a sales contract, also in the case when the finances for the purchase were obtained from a targeted donation made by them.

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Cited by

Rzewuska, M. (2024). Gloss to the resolution of the Supreme Court of February 15, 2019, III CZP 85/18, Legalis. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 21(2).


Magdalena Rzewuska 



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