Interpretation of Article 80 of the Environmental Protection Law in the context of meat promotion
Franciszek Nowak
Uniwersytet JagiellońskiAbstract
The meat sector is responsible for a significant part of the anthropogenic greenhouse
gases, and without its transformation it is not possible to stop the climate change. The
easiest way to decrease the meat sector’s carbon footprint is to change meat consumption
models, to which advertisements or other types of promotion can contribute. According
to Article 80 of the Environmental Protection Law, promotion of goods and services that
encourage a consumption model inconsistent with the principles of environmental protection
and sustainable development is prohibited. Advertising red meat seems to fulfill all the
rationales of the above provision. In order to verify this thesis, this publication performs
a detailed analysis of the rationales of the prohibition of non-ecological advertising relating
it to red meat promotions. The main purpose of the publication is to interpret Article 80
of the Environmental Protection Law, which can be used to counteract the most harmful
manifestations of human activity.
sustainability, advertising, meat, climate, environmentReferences
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Franciszek NowakStatistics
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