Development of incentive systems in capital companies

Wiktor Marek Żochowski

Uniwersytet Mikołaja Kopernika w Toruniu


Developing a model of awarding shares may be a way to retain experienced managers and distinguished employees in the company. Strengthening the ties of a key employee with the company through the use of various solutions is usually a motivating stimulus and encouraging him to become more involved in the company's affairs.

The aim of the work is, against the background of the presented incentive systems, to consider the correctness of introducing managerial options to the articles of association and to outline de lege ferenda postulates regarding the standards of introducing incentive systems to the systems of legal persons.


prawo handlowe, spółki kapitałowe, system motywacyjny, wspólnicy, udziały

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Cited by

Żochowski, W. M. (2022). Development of incentive systems in capital companies. The Opole Studies in Administration and Law, 20(1), 261–271.


Wiktor Marek Żochowski



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