Memory in the linguistic-cultural model of artistic text
The subject of analysis in the proposed article is a comparison of the lexicographic (etymological, interpretative, synonymic) description of the word-concept memory and the representation of its semantics in the linguistic-cultural model of artistic text. The semantics of this word is traceable in terms of lexicographic sources – etymological, interpretive, synonymous, philosophical dictionaries, as well as by the methods of textual realisation of these semantics in poetry and artistic prose. The psychology of artistic creativity updates the components of the semantic structure of memory tokens, such as imagination, sleep, time, glory, honour. Linguistic and stylistic analysis of OlesGonchar’s prose shows the role of memory in the psychology of the writer’s work. We propose the definition of linguistic-cultural model of artistic text, as well as distinguish the notion of event, cultural-historical, ethno-cultural, and photographic (cinematic) memory, associative memory of words, realities, etc.
the word-concept memory, lexicographic description of the word memory, linguistic- cultural model of artistic text, OlesGonchar ’s proseReferences
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