Semantyka i struktura językowych formuł gestycznych w kontaktach familijnych schyłku XIX stulecia (na podstawie korespondencji rodzinnej Pawlikowskich)
Marceli Olma
The paper is based on marital and family letters; the author analyses them using pragmalinguistic and cultural linguistic methods. The article focuses on the phrases which copy or replace the gestures people make during face-to-face communication. The analysed expressions inform mainly about kissing, blessing, and the need of physical closeness. They are used to maintain emotional bond between the distanced family members. Relating to other sets of correspondence from the past, the phrases used by the Pawlikowscy are characterized by freshness and originality; they testify to the creativity of the authors, drawing from the morphological and lexical resources of the 19th century Polish language.
letters, pragmalinguistics, cultural linguistics, Polish family language, gesturesReferences
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