Nazvi sporibnenosti âk osnova mifotvorennâ v movi ukraïnsʹkoï poêzïï XX stolittâ
Žanna V. Marfina
The arlicle deals with the problem of determination of the associative and figurative structures of the poetic language with the extralingual factors. Based on the materiał of the functions of the names of kinship in the language of the Ukrainian poetry of the 20th century, the author analyzes two key models of the metaphorical use of these wordspoetisms with which the phenomena of ideologization of the poetic context are connected in generál and the new mythopoetics in particular. The use of the names of kinship in the structure of the poetisms-ideologemes is represented in eonnection with the processes of the development of the poetic and generál linguistic semantics of the names of kinship which render the meanings of “patriot”, “native”, “friendship”. The poetic functions of the genitive and comparative metaphors with the names of kinship háve been analyzed.
name of kinship, metaphor, mythopoetics, language of poetryReferences
Погребная Я. В., 2011, Аспекты современной мифопоэтики, (21.07.2011).
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Кожевникова Н. А., 1986, Словоупотребление в русской поэзии начала XX века, Москва.
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Žanna V. MarfinaStatistics
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