Mestoimeniâta v stilovete na b”lgarskiâ ezik

Mariâ Ilieva


The stylistic peculiarities of the pronouns in the Bulgarian language are examined in the paper. The reasons for the attention towards the pronouns He in their poor studying as stylistic means as well as in their belonging to the Fnguistic universalities which gives an opportunity for observations in comparative and juxtaposing aspect. First of all, on the basis of materiał from the five functional styles, conclusions are drawn about the frequency of the pronominal use in each formation. By discussing the extra-linguistic reasons for the results the marked activity of the pronouns in the colloouial speech is ascertained vs. the сотрагабѵеіу Iow frequency of use in the business speech. The statistic data are based on a body of 150 000 units for each style, fhe author quote< data conceminj the functioning of the separate groups of pronouns in the five func*'onal styles and the data are bound to the indication bookishness of the texts.
The second problem which is discussed in the paper is the axiological and intensification use of the pronouns in the colloquial speech. On the basis of their distribution on the scalę us / them the assessment uses are described which are connected with the oppositions near / far, definite / indefmite, man I not man. As a result of the analysis of the cited examples the equalization of the oppositions us 'them and good / bad in the use of linguistic means is determined. Part of the examples have counterparts in other languages as for instance ii i the Polish language and this provides the opportunity to formulate the hypothe^is of universality in the assessment uses of the pronouns in the various languages as well.


pronouns, colloąuial speech, reąuency, functional styles, extra-linguistic factors, connotation, opposition, assessment, intensification, depersonalization

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Cited by

Ilieva, M. (2021). Mestoimeniâta v stilovete na b”lgarskiâ ezik. Stylistyka, 20, 381–396. Retrieved from


Mariâ Ilieva 



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