Proverbs and Proverbial Phrases in “Pan Tadeusz” and ‘'Beniowski”
Natalia Szydłowska
The role of proverbs in the work of great Romantics was carefully analyzed, yet it was done long ago. In 1958, Stanisław Świrko studied proverbs used in Pan Tadeusz-, in 1964, Jan Mirosław Kasjan gave consideration to the use of proverbs and colloąuial metaphors in Słowacki’s works. Afterwards, that issue was only occasionally considered. The author retums to those works years later, recounts them and updates the look at that issue. In doing so, she draws the inspiration from culture experts. Walter Ong is used tor describing Mickiewicz’s nobility and folk proverbs, deeply rooted in orał culture; Jan Mukarowsky enables the author to comment on the aristocratic and noble cultural context of Słowacki’s proverbs, established in high literary culture. It allows the author to demonstrate how different the materiał they both use is (hardly any proverb is repeated in the two works) and how differently the two Romantic master writers operate that materiał
style, proverb, proverbial phrase, Mickiewicz, SłowackiReferences
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Natalia SzydłowskaStatistics
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