Čelovek i vremâ v istorii russkogo literaturnogo âzyka
Lûbov’ V. Balašova
The article is devoted to the analyses of the conceptual metaphors “Time and Coor- dinate Space” in the literary Russian language history. The principles of forming the conceptual Time-models in the Old Russian language have been discovered. The two most productive models have been stated. In the first model, time is active and moves on the horizontal datum linę; man is static but it is exactly he who takes the central position, which has been perceived as the Present. The second model is also connected with the idea of horizontal moving. But in this model, the man becomes active and moves on the Time coordinate. One can see the increasing productiveness of these conceptual meta- phors in diachronic approach. The number of members of this metaphorical field incre- ases significantly as well as the system of the relationship between them becomes morę ti- ghtly knit. There is the following tendency of the relationship between man and time in diachronic approach from the conceptual point of view. In the Old Russian language time was mostly regarded as something objective and existing independently from a man. But in the contemporary Russian literary language the active influence of a man on the time is becoming possible. This category combines both objective and subjective ąualities. Thus, anthropocentrism of the relationship “Man and Time” becomes stronger.
conceptual model, metaphor, Russian literary language, diachronia, time, manReferences
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Lûbov’ V. BalašovaStatistics
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