An Individual Realization of the Sermon as a Genre Pattern

Maria Wojtak


In an attempt to describe an individual realization of the sermon as a genre pattem, the article characterizes a collection of a few dozen sermons delivered by one preacher. In accordance with the conventions typical ofaltemating pattems, i.e. modifications of individual components of the canonical pattem, the preacher uses above all the mecha[1]nism ofreduction. He omits the classic introduction, uses only argumentative schemata in the main bodies of his sermons, and formulates the ending as a conclusion or an appeal. It appears as important for the author to differentiate individual segments of the whole and arrange them in such a way so as to achieve persuasive effects. The preacher assumes the role of an interpreter of the w ord of God, and constructs his sermons in the form of in[1]temally dialogized monologues. The choice of stylistic devices is dictated above all by the principle of appropriateness. The preacher avoids bombastic and official forms, uses religious or colloąuial lexis in or[1]der to render the transfer of message more vivid, imagelike and suggestive. Taking into account the basie features of the altemating pattem of the sermon as a gen[1]re, the said author attempts to speak from his own perspective, but in sucha way as to pre[1]serve the message of God.


Cited by

Wojtak, M. (2002). An Individual Realization of the Sermon as a Genre Pattern. Stylistyka, 11, 413–431. Retrieved from


Maria Wojtak 



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