The Neutral Genres in the Communicative Space of Modern Russia
Sedov F. Konstantin
The article is devoted to research into speech genres which belong to the neutral zone of everyday phatic communication (boltovnya, svetskaya beseda, razgovor po dusham). The author presumes that all the three genres are the variants of one inva[1]riant form - razgovor (razgovor bytovoy, razgovor svetskiy and razgovor po dus[1]ham). Each of the genre forms analyzed is consonant with communication in rent “I” states described by Eric Bern: boltovnya - communication at the level of a “Child”, svetskaya beseda - a “Parent razgovor po dusham - an “Adult” Boltov[1]nya is the primary speech genre, while the two others are secondary to it. At the level of speech production holtovnya includes the intention of an easy, superficial discur[1]sive behavior. The main principle of theme moving is defined here by non-determi[1]nacy of communication. The central subgenres of boltovnya defining its main tactics are rasskaz ob uvidennom, rasskaz ob otsutstvuyushchem litse and gossip. We have to add to them such facultative genres as compliment, kolkost’, request, consolation, affirmation, invective, pouchemye ect. Bytovoy razgovor at the level of speech pro[1]duction does not have a clear value intention. Just this feature of Russian boltovnya doesn’t allow to define its conceptual content clearly. Svetskaya beseda is a rhetoric genre (in comparison to the primary genre boltovnya). It reflects the coopera[1]tive-conformist’s type of communication. Pragmatic parameters of this genre inclu[1]de non-official but public character of communication. Psychological parameters of the svetskaya beseda genre include the high grade of determination in speech pro[1]duction. The main semantics of the svetskaya beseda genre is determined by the con[1]cept of politeness (demonstration of respect to a communicative partner expressed in benevolence towards him). The razgovor po dusham genre is a secondary genre (when compared to the primary genre boltovnya). It is based on the principles of the so-called cooperative-actualizator’s type of the communication (an intention to stand at your communicative partner’s point of view, to put yourself in his/her sho[1]es), the semantics of which is reflected in the “sincerity” concept. This genre alone corresponds with the concept of a communicative ideal within everyday communica[1]tion that Russian people have.
everydays communication, speech genre, razgovor, boltovnya, svetskaya beseda, razgovor po dusham, politeness, sincerityAuthors
Sedov F. KonstantinStatistics
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