Rol' aksyologyečskogo aspekta v formirovanii novogo naučnogo znaniâ
Nataliâ V. Danilevskaâ
The dynamics of developing a scientific text reflects the dynamics of a cognitive process. At the same time the changing of the knowledge available in the text from hypothetical to more valid is fulfilled according to the principle of its pithy and thematic accessibility for the broad continuum of special scientific information: proper new knowledge of a researcher becomes scientific only under conditions of its going into the system of available knowledge.
The text analysis shows that the old and knew knowledge conflict in scientific communication is not a conflict, but a dialectical unity. The interaction between already known and knew is fulfilled according to the principle of altemation of old and knew knowledge components. It is realized in two ways: I ) as an interaction between components of scientifically known and scientifically unknown (author's) knowledge - intertextual alternation. 2) as an interaction between the knowledge
known according to a certain communication, expressed in the left context and the components of new knowledge, unknown from a certain text and for the first time expressed in it - intratextual alternation. lt is important that inter- and intratextual altemation pierces through the whole text and thus is normative for a scientific style. Expressing of the scientifically new knowledge always takes place in "arrangement" of the old (scientific and communicational) knowledge and the "arrangement" is made by author. We can say that the expressing of new knowledge goes according to the principle: "the necessary maximum of old + the possible minimum of new.
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Nataliâ V. DanilevskaâStatistics
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