Âzyk sovremennoj russkoj pressy: sociolingvističeskij aspekt

Irina P. Lysakova


The author shows the connection between the language and style of the press and the social conditions of its functioning and the typological features of the edition.
The article offers the methodology of sociolinguistic analysis of newspaper with respect to its orientation towards its audience.The typological features of the language model
of the edition are found in headings, titles and the body of the text. The stylistic unity of the heading, the tytle and the text contains the semantic code of the edition and marks
the level of the joumalists' professionalism.


language, soviet society, mentality, social role, social status, mass culture toleration, confrontation, democratization, sociolingistics, social dialect, sociolingistic variable, type of edition, heading, text, stylistic unity

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Cited by

Lysakova, I. P. . (2021). Âzyk sovremennoj russkoj pressy: sociolingvističeskij aspekt. Stylistyka, 14, 431–443. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/s/article/view/4019


Irina P. Lysakova 



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