Ob uslovnosti grammatičeskogo lica v hudožestvennom povestvovanii

Galiâ D. Ahmetova


According to the analysis of the text of the contemporary fiction this article performs the clescription of the new phenomena (equally with the development of the traditions of the realistic fiction) concerring the reflection of the narrator's person. It is typical of a fictional narration to con ta in various chan ges of different grammatical categories of person («aplay with persons» ). The contemporary fiction ten ds to realize a special method of composition when the grammatical category of person has a relative statuse.


the relative statuse of the grammatical category of person, method of composition, fictional narration, linguislic composition, image of the author, word variety, compositional-stylistic aspect

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Cited by

Ahmetova, G. D. . (2021). Ob uslovnosti grammatičeskogo lica v hudožestvennom povestvovanii. Stylistyka, 14, 587–600. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/s/article/view/4064


Galiâ D. Ahmetova 



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