Грамматика и стилистика прагматического выбора



Тhе main subject of the paper is description of the 3-d spage of the development of linguistics, whith is characterized Ьу working aut grammar of speacer/recipient as the principalle bylateral system.The essence of this grammar is the study of the process of
choosing wariants with consideration of differences between the invariant language meaning and its practical usages ("usual senses"). The paper introduces the concept of а conventionality degree as the foundation for the genres typology. Grammar and stylistycs acquire the principal unity of the subject under investigation and get the new term of "grammar and stylistycs of pragmatic choice".

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Степанов Ю.С., 1981, В поисках прагматик:и, "Известия ОЛЯ, серия литературы и языка", т. 40, N 4, Москва.

Падучева В.В., 1996, Семантические исследования. Семантика времени и вида в русском язык:е. Семантик:а нарратива, Москва.

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Cited by

КРЫЛОВА, О. А. (2021). Грамматика и стилистика прагматического выбора. Stylistyka, 6, 275–284. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/s/article/view/4381





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