Эволюция употребления сложноподчиненного предложения в русских научных текстах XVIII-XX вв.
Тhе analysis of the compound sentences usage in the ХVШ- XX-th centuries scientific texts shows that the percentage of the subordinate clauses of various types, Ьeing typical for modern texts, is more or less staЫe within all the periods, though the total amount of these clauses has reduced. Subordinate conjunctions have undergone sufficient changes. Archaic conjunctions and conjunctions with colloquial shades of meaning are gradually escapi11g the scie11tific texts. There is а tendency towards the conjunction means unification; there is аn opposite tendency - in the sphere of the cause and effect relations being the most important for the scientific thought transmission: the range of conjunctions is expanding and the differentiating process of the shades of their meanings is taking place. From the XVIII-th to the XX-th century the compound senteпces have shown the evolution from bulky formations with а lot of "clamps" (conjuпctions, coпelates) to clear-cut structures with no suЬordinate clause.
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