Речевая коммуникация как культурно-историческии и историко-лингвистическии фактор функционирования литературного языка



Speech communication of native speakers of literary language and conditions of it's social re alization are the most iшportant categories of the "outer" linguistics, without which the co11ceptions of Iiterary la11guage in general and of а particular literary language
in synchroнia and diachronia (in syнchronic анd diachronic aspects) will Ье incomplete. The author is aнalisiнg the mutual iнterrelationship of the given categories and their puplication in course of researching of the historical developement of а particular Iiterary
language (он the material of Russian Iiterary language).

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Cited by

БЕЛЬЧИКОВ, Ю. А. (2021). Речевая коммуникация как культурно-историческии и историко-лингвистическии фактор функционирования литературного языка. Stylistyka, 2, 153–162. Retrieved from https://czasopisma.uni.opole.pl/index.php/s/article/view/4450





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